

Shabbat (Sabbath) Services


Erev Shabbat Friday night services are conducted at Emanuel Jacob twice a month, usually at 7:00pm. On those same weekends there is a Torah discussion on Saturday mornings at 11:00am.  For a current schedule of these services, please see the “Upcoming Events” listing on our home page.  All are welcome to attend any of the services and discussions!



High Holy Day Services


Emanuel Jacob Congregation has a full schedule of High Holy Day services every year, including Erev Rosh HaShanah and Rosh HaShanah day, and Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur day (including a Yizkor memorial service in the afternoon).  In addition, Slichot is observed the weekend before Rosh HaShanah, a Tashlich ceremony takes place on Rosh HaShanah afternoon at a local reservoir, an informal service is held on the morning of the second day of Rosh HaShanah, and a congregational potluck Break-the-Fast dinner follows the Neilah service on the evening of Yom Kippur.  For a complete schedule for this year’s High Holy Day services and other events, please see the “Upcoming Events” listing on our home page.  All are welcome to attend; please call the Emanuel Jacob office phone number at (419) 756-7355 to let us know you are coming.



Other Holiday Services/Programs


Emanuel Jacob Congregation celebrates all Jewish holidays throughout the year, including Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu BiShvat, Purim, and Shavu’ot, usually on the Friday evenings closest to the dates of the holidays.  There is also an annual Emanuel Jacob community Pesach (Passover) seder on the second night of Pesach.  Every year at Emanuel Jacob there is a community service to mark Yom HaSho’ah, Holocaust Memorial Day, which includes clergy from local churches and other houses of worship.  For a schedule of services for upcoming holidays, please see the “Upcoming Events” listing on our home page.



Special Services/Programs


From time to time throughout the year there are special services for families with young children, and services at which our young congregants celebrate becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or are confirmed.  Other programs, such as a Saturday evening Havdalah ceremony marking the end of Shabbat, are also scheduled throughout the year.  For information on these special events, please see the “Upcoming Events” listing on our home page.

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